Little Theatre daily challenges

Are you at home, busting to be creative but have no appreciative audience to be able to express your creativity with? Fear not gentle hearts, Stanthorpe Little Theatre 'gets you' and is ready to launch an exciting daily theatrical challenge; starting Monday, 13th of April.

Every Sunday evening, the daily challenges will be posted on their Facebook page and emailed to their supporters via their newsletter.

This is open to ALL ages, ALL abilities - Thespians of every walk and creed!

How does it work?

Each week will be a certain "theatrical theme" ( ie Shakespeare, Big Broadway Shows, Famous Musicals, Golden Oldies etc) and each day will highlight a specific play under that theme. Gather household items/ find a spot in your home to recreate a scene from that play.

EITHER: Take a photo which recreates that scene ( i.e the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliette, The Phantom from the Opera kidnapping Christine, The flag waving scene from Les Miserables, The wedding scene from Fiddler on the roof) OR Film a small part of that scene, using puppets, plush toys, your pets, your kids or you doing all the parts! OR recreate the scene using shadow puppets/ Shadow finger puppets


Recreate the scene and film it using cartoons/ stopmedia/ digital art. OR film yourself/ family reading out part of the scene.

OR you choose some other creative way to present it.

Every day, the specific challenge will be posted up on our facebook page and on our instagram account.

Please post your photo/ video underneath it, or email it to AND if you have social media, please post it to YOUR Facebook and Instagram accounts and use the hashtags #SocialDistancingTheatre #stayhome and #stanthorpelittletheatre

The first week kicks off with well-loved Shakespearean plays. (Starting 13th April) Monday - Romeo and Juliette Tuesday - King Lear Wednesday - Hamlet Thursday - Macbeth Friday - Midsummer-nights Dream Saturday - Merchant Of Venice Sunday - Twelfth Night

Contact Annie on for more information.


Quest completed: daily art challenges


Weekly Art Challenge: 6-10 April