Weekly Art Challenge: 6-10 April

As we’re all stuck in our homes for the foreseeable future, we’re starting daily art challenges for creative types. We’ll be sharing ideas each weekday here on our blog, on our newsletter and on our Facebook and Instagram pages, until we get out of lockdown.

Sign up to our newsletter to get your tasks each weekend for the coming week.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram where we share more art ideas and inspiration.

We want to see your creations!

Send pictures of your work to Mary Findlay gallerydirector@srag.org.au or add them to the comments on our Facebook and Instagram feeds. We’ll share our favourites with our community.

Monday 6 April - Colour wheels

Create a colour wheel from objects around your home or garden. Take a picture and send it to us or post it on your own social media and tag it with #stanthorpeart.

Image copyright (from top left, clockwise):

Tuesday 7 April - Famous Art Imitation

The Getty Museum in Los Angeles recently challenged art fans to post photos of themselves recreating their favourite works of art from the safety of their homes. Can you make a version of your favourite piece of art?

Wednesday 8 April - Start a nature journal

Start a nature journal to record your plant and animal observations in your backyard.

The UK Natural History Museum has tips on creating and starting your first nature journal.

iNaturalist is an app and a website that allows you to record your sightings and see what other people have recorded in your area. You can ask for help with identifying creatures too!

Birdlife Australia can help you identify birds, and they have a survey running from March to April to help track what species are in your backyard.

Interested in learning more about botanical art?

Thursday 9 April - Chalk Art

Chalk is a great way of making a temporary artwork that washes away the next time it rains. If you have a patch of concrete or a fence, try some of these ideas for brightening your day.

Stick some masking tape on your fence or footpath in a geometric pattern. Colour each section in a different colour and then remove the tape.

More advanced artists could try creating a 3D immersive artwork.

Images (clockwise from top left):

Friday 10 April - Colouring In


Colouring in is such a peaceful way of passing time. There are thousands of places you can find free colouring in sheets on pretty much any image.

If you’d like to take this to the next level you could create your own outline and send it to us to share with our community.

Images (from top left, clockwise):

Show us your creations!

We want to see what you make!

Send pictures of your work to Mary Findlay gallerydirector@srag.org.au or add them to the comments on our Facebook and Instagram feeds. We’ll share our favourites with our community.

Got an idea?

We’re going to be doing this for a while. Send us any ideas that you have for topics for upcoming weeks.


Little Theatre daily challenges


Video message from our Director, Mary Findlay