Crisps Youth Art Prize


Our community has experienced so much in the last year from drought to fire and the recent Covid 19. In the exhibition, the youth of our community document their response to this challenging time through art. 

Despite a very difficult business year, the Crisps family are committed to ensuring that this prize continues and they are excited that this will be the 30th year of the CRISPS Youth Art Prize. The gallery would like to thank them for their continued  support of this annual exhibition.

Seeing youth experiment and develop their skills in art is a highlight of my year. This is one of the most important exhibitions. Last year we hung 695 works from 16 local schools. What is amazing is that every work is unique. This exhibition celebrates the creativity of our youth. It gives the youngsters a chance to be a part of something that could inspire them to continue on with their creativity or in later years pick it up again.  Many of the parents remember being part of the Crisps Art Prize. On Awards Night it is wonderful to see all the families in the gallery and to make sure that this is indeed a public gallery that welcomes all.

- Mary Findlay, Gallery Director

The awards night will be held on Thursday, 8 October 2020

  • 5:30 - 5.45 pm Kindy - Year 2

  • 5.45- 6 pm Year 3 - Year 6

  • 6pm - 6.15 Year 7 -Year 12


Topology "We Will Rise"


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