Book review: Frederick McCubbin, The Man and His Art.

Did you know that we have an art book collection in the Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery? It is located on the mezzanine floor of the gallery. We have around 300 art books, and you can look at them in the gallery or take them to the Library to check them out on your library card. Our volunteers Kerry & Robyn have written a review on this beautiful book Frederick McCubbin, The Man and His Art.

Book review: Frederick McCubbin, The Man and His Art.

We are volunteers at the Art Gallery and were fortunate to read a fabulous book from the Gallery library. This wonderful book is called Fredrick McCubbin-The Man and his Art.

You probably know that McCubbin is regarded as one of Australia’s finest landscape artists; but did you know that he made sketches and paintings of early Melbourne, the brickworks, the port of Melbourne and other city scenes?

McCubbin, regarded as one of our finest landscape painters, chronicles life in Australia from the mid-1800s to the early 1900s. He was fascinated by the bush and he captures the landscape in its beauty and rawness: the light, the colours and drama of the bush. He depicts the struggles and dreams of early Australian pioneers and settlers and their endeavours to make their homes and a living in the harsh Australian landscape. Their labours lead to the establishment of towns and communities like our own.

The book is easy to enjoy: each large and beautiful plate depicting his work is accompanied by a brief, informative description. The paintings of life in the bush are poetic and emotive and this book captures them perfectly.

We loved the book and strongly recommend that you come in, read this book and see what other treasures are in the library.

Kerry and Robyn.


Seeking local artists to participate in LAF Out Loud - Local Art Fest


Opening Night: Rhonda Armistead: Standing Still; Gayle Shaw: Seasons; Janne Chew: Resonating Reflections