Jar, Earth Trio | Jean McMaster


Local Clays, wood fired for 3 days to 1280C.

Height: 15cm. Width: 16cm.

This work represents my exploration of local materials through the language of wood firing. Three local clays, firing atmosphere, kiln design and firing temperature direct the character of this pot. Thrown from ‘Front-Gate’ clay, dug on Jirrbal Country, Far North Queensland, with clay slips under a clay and feldspar glaze.

Jean McMaster’s work holds the energy and life of an ancient place, a conversation between raw materials and the rugged landscapes from which they come. Rough, molten surfaces littered with felspathic rock, the work is both robust and delicate, the tension of the natural world expressed in balance and spirit.

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Local Clays, wood fired for 3 days to 1280C.

Height: 15cm. Width: 16cm.

This work represents my exploration of local materials through the language of wood firing. Three local clays, firing atmosphere, kiln design and firing temperature direct the character of this pot. Thrown from ‘Front-Gate’ clay, dug on Jirrbal Country, Far North Queensland, with clay slips under a clay and feldspar glaze.

Jean McMaster’s work holds the energy and life of an ancient place, a conversation between raw materials and the rugged landscapes from which they come. Rough, molten surfaces littered with felspathic rock, the work is both robust and delicate, the tension of the natural world expressed in balance and spirit.

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Local Clays, wood fired for 3 days to 1280C.

Height: 15cm. Width: 16cm.

This work represents my exploration of local materials through the language of wood firing. Three local clays, firing atmosphere, kiln design and firing temperature direct the character of this pot. Thrown from ‘Front-Gate’ clay, dug on Jirrbal Country, Far North Queensland, with clay slips under a clay and feldspar glaze.

Jean McMaster’s work holds the energy and life of an ancient place, a conversation between raw materials and the rugged landscapes from which they come. Rough, molten surfaces littered with felspathic rock, the work is both robust and delicate, the tension of the natural world expressed in balance and spirit.

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