Eucalyptus flowers and peaches | Crispin Akerman


Oil on linen

Height: 71cm. Width: 102cm.

I wanted to make the red and pink Eucalyptus flowers the focus of the painting. I included peaches which, along with the warm palette of colours in the painting, celebrate the season of summer.

My work focuses on still life painting. The work explores harmony, balance, tension, light and atmosphere. My interest in the still life genre is the contemplative potential in it, the suggestion of the kinetic in the static, the metaphysical promise present in the very words, ‘still life’.

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Oil on linen

Height: 71cm. Width: 102cm.

I wanted to make the red and pink Eucalyptus flowers the focus of the painting. I included peaches which, along with the warm palette of colours in the painting, celebrate the season of summer.

My work focuses on still life painting. The work explores harmony, balance, tension, light and atmosphere. My interest in the still life genre is the contemplative potential in it, the suggestion of the kinetic in the static, the metaphysical promise present in the very words, ‘still life’.

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Oil on linen

Height: 71cm. Width: 102cm.

I wanted to make the red and pink Eucalyptus flowers the focus of the painting. I included peaches which, along with the warm palette of colours in the painting, celebrate the season of summer.

My work focuses on still life painting. The work explores harmony, balance, tension, light and atmosphere. My interest in the still life genre is the contemplative potential in it, the suggestion of the kinetic in the static, the metaphysical promise present in the very words, ‘still life’.

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