balancing act | Emma Coulter


Synthetic polymer paint on linen

Height: 81cm. Width: 81cm.

My work explores both a formal and conceptual approach through the subject of ‘balancing’. Formally, the deconstructed and recomposed forms imagine a line drawing as a three-dimensional composition, balancing through line, shape and colour. Conceptually, the work refers to the push-pull of the artist’s domestic life, as artist and mother.

Working in the expanded field of painting, Coulter has created her own colour-based abstract language which she applies across painting, sculpture, site-specific installation and public art disciplines. Through her work, she explores ideas that relate to the history of art, painting, minimalism and abstraction.

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Synthetic polymer paint on linen

Height: 81cm. Width: 81cm.

My work explores both a formal and conceptual approach through the subject of ‘balancing’. Formally, the deconstructed and recomposed forms imagine a line drawing as a three-dimensional composition, balancing through line, shape and colour. Conceptually, the work refers to the push-pull of the artist’s domestic life, as artist and mother.

Working in the expanded field of painting, Coulter has created her own colour-based abstract language which she applies across painting, sculpture, site-specific installation and public art disciplines. Through her work, she explores ideas that relate to the history of art, painting, minimalism and abstraction.

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Synthetic polymer paint on linen

Height: 81cm. Width: 81cm.

My work explores both a formal and conceptual approach through the subject of ‘balancing’. Formally, the deconstructed and recomposed forms imagine a line drawing as a three-dimensional composition, balancing through line, shape and colour. Conceptually, the work refers to the push-pull of the artist’s domestic life, as artist and mother.

Working in the expanded field of painting, Coulter has created her own colour-based abstract language which she applies across painting, sculpture, site-specific installation and public art disciplines. Through her work, she explores ideas that relate to the history of art, painting, minimalism and abstraction.

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