Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery

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Gallery return

On Friday 26 August, the newly refurbished Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery opened its doors to 300 folks with the opening of A Collection of Seasons exhibition. This exhibition featured sixty works from the valuable and eclectic Stanthorpe Art Gallery Collection.

Town Crier, Bob Townshend, began the proceedings with his bespoke call for this special occasion. Stanthorpe Art Gallery Society President, Chris Sayer, gave her thanks to everyone’s hard work especially the committed and stalwart volunteers.

Gallery Director, Mary Findlay spoke of her appreciation for everyone who worked on the building refurbishment and the many volunteers who supported the return to the Gallery.

Jaquie Large, a local poet, read a poem she’d written for the opening.

Locals enjoyed the Granite Belt Junior Choir who performed with music responding to A Collection of Seasons. This was followed by Mary Findlay reciting  a poem - A Collection of Seasons by Allen Sutton also written especially for the occasion. There was much fun when the audience participated with the Broadwater School Drumming group.

SDRC Councillor, Morwenna Harslett, spoke of her love and appreciation of the arts and how the arts bring communities together. Finally, Councillor Harslett, officially opened the first exhibition A Collection of Seasons in the newly refurbished gallery.