Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery

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Topology "We Will Rise"


Aria-nominated and internationally regarded virtuoso indie quintet Topology, operating successfully  out of Brisbane for over two decades, announced today, on the back of their 16th album release, the WE WILL RISE live performance co-hosted by Stanthorpe Regional Art Gallery on Monday 12  October 6:00pm. Seating will be strictly limited due to COVID-19 social distancing requirements.  Tickets are $10 and can be purchased online at

WE WILL RISE, is a live performance of Topology music curated from back catalogue signature  compositions and a new composition Drought Stories Texas and reflects Topology artists’  contemporary concerns. WE WILL RISE has thematic links to the existential threat of climate  disruption and the need for strength, hope, fortitude and resilience in order for recovery and  collective healing to commence on the back of traumatic natural events and a global viral pandemic.  We Will Rise highlights the strength and resilience of the humankind, and through this popular  artform, demonstrates music’s intrinsic power to inspire and heal. 

WE WILL RISE music has been specifically selected from 23 years of Topology music in order to  heal, recover and rebuild. Part performance, part conversation, join the principal artists of Topology  for an evening of music designed to inspire community conversation, collective reflection and  renewed strength. 

WE WILL RISE performance occurs in conjunction with the Gallery exhibition CRISPS YOUTH ART  PRIZE - EARTH, AIR, FIRE, WATER: Creating Art & Documenting Drought, Fire & Covid 19 on the  Granite Belt - water

Creative Director and Topology virtuoso soloist Christa Powell (violin) said, “Natural disasters like  bushfires, floods, cyclones, drought and other traumatic events are extremely challenging for  communities. Recovery takes time and cannot be done alone. Recovery is about community,  strength and working together to rebuild. In WE WILL RISE, this assembly of tracks, both old and  new, asserts our belief in optimism and the faith that we will pull through these times of crisis both  individually, together and through the healing power of music. Rush (Track Number 6) is a perfect  musical metaphor for this – one instrument, five musicians, ten hands all working together.” 

Topology is Australia’s foremost innovator of contemporary music with an unmatched style, unique  approach to collaborations, cross genre creative projects and mentorship of young composers and  artists. Led cooperatively by principal artists, Co-Artistic Directors John Babbage and Dr Robert  

Davidson, Topology has worked with over 23 Australian arts companies, dozens of emerging  Australian composers and premiered over 600 original works. 

The quintet have, for over two decades, used their signature compositions as artistic and social  commentary, reflecting and highlighting important socio-political beats, both micro and macro, that  require further thought, discussion, investigation or rigour. Armed with a deep belief that music plays  an important role to inspire and nurture during difficult times, Topology have utilised famous political  speeches, micro-doc interviews and multi-media works to discuss a wide range of topics including  love, drought, climate disruption, homelessness, misogyny and much more.  

Established leaders and ambassadors for musical creativity in Australia, Topology continues to  excel in creating original music, connecting artists through collaboration and enriching  communities and audiences through shared creative and educational adventures. 

TOPOLOGY | John Babbage (Co-Artistic Director, Composer/Saxophone), Dr Robert Davidson (Co Artistic Director, Composer/Bass), Christa Powell (Creative Director, Violin), Bernard Hoey (Viola),  Therese Milanovic (Piano). 

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY | TOPOLOGY respectfully acknowledges the Traditional  Owners of this land and pays respect to their ancestors and to Elders past, present and emerging.